Father Luke’s Desk What About Holy Communion? With widespread panic and fear around Coronavirus, people are questioning the stability of things: the stock market, public gathering, and Lent: Why Does it Really Matter? The season of Great and Holy Lent is now upon us. Past lessons from Sunday School, a class or sermon Is It Still Bad If It's Against Christians? Two days ago, the Saint Basil family prayed a memorial service for the victims of the Pontian Genocide. A genocide To Whom Do We Belong? The following article was written by His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver. In our day and age, we are witnesses Love Your Home Church? Then Love Our Seminary! Today we celebrate the Elevation of the Cross of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Preparing to celebrate the Divine Hurricane Florence: A Call For Prayer! One year ago, the Houston Metro area and beyond was devastated by Hurricane Harvey. Now we watch as Hurricane Florence Is Kavanaugh the Judge You Are Grateful For? Kavanaugh's hearing has begun today, marking a step toward filling the current open seat on the Supreme Court of the Video Game Tournaments Exist? I remember saving up to buy my first Nintendo. It came with Super Mario Brothers, and I would run home How Do You Live Well Without Any Scars? Yesterday another misguided and cowardice act took place, this time on the campus of the University of North Carolina. "Silent 1 2 Next »